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Der „neulichimgarten Adventskalender“, oder von Flachwitzen der Spitzenklasse. 23.12.2012

Da sind sie endlich, meine Lieblingsfressfeinde. Hatte ich glaube ich bei meinen Witzen noch nicht vorgestellt. Aber auch ueber Schnecken habe ich einen Witz gefunden. Waere auch etwas verwunderlich, wenn ueber diese netten Tierchen nichts zu finden gewesen waere. Halten sie uns doch den ganzen Sommer ueber beschaeftigt. Ich wuesste gar nicht, was ich mit all der Zeit anfangen sollte, die ich im Jahr aufwende, um Schnecken zu sammeln.

Allerdings, in diese Situation wie im Witz beschrieben, kann ich nicht kommen. Ich besitze keinen Ferseher. 🙂   

One cold night a man is sat by the fire watching his favourite television programme. The wind is howling and all of a sudden there is a tap, tap, tap on the door. The man thinks nothing of it and gets back to his telly. Five minutes pass and there it goes again, tap, tap, tap. So in a bit of a mood he gets up and opens the door. No one there! So he goes back and sits down. Just as before there is a little tap, tap, tap on the door. Up he gets again and opens the door. A quiet little voice shouts out “down here”, the man looks down, and at his feet is a little snail.

The man says rather sternly “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” “I’m cold and hungry, can I come in and sit by the fire and have something to eat”? Says the snail. “NO”, says the man and he lifts his foot, swings it back and takes an almighty swing and kicks the snail right over the garden wall. The man sits down and gets back to his programme.

Six months pass and the man is having his lunch when he hears a little tap, tap, tap on the front door. He thinks to himself for a while and then goes to answer the door. There at his feet is the same little snail and the man says again “What do you want”? And the snail answers back in a little forlorn voice,

“What did you do that for?”


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